Leftovers in a doggy bag

Nobody should have to go to Facebook, so I’ve done you the favor of reprinting an article from Skye Williams, with due credit. I wrote none of this, but I stand behind it. Here goes…

WARNING: This article contains facts! You may not know it and you may not like it, but it’s still a fact. You can use a thing called Google and quickly find credible sources for all of the facts in this piece. If you are the kind of person who gets triggered and turns nasty every time someone posts something you don’t like or agree with, you probably shouldn’t be following my page. If you call this “fake news” or a “smear piece” or post comments calling me a Russian Bot just because you don’t agree with the facts herein, prepare to be humiliated, deleted and/or blocked.

The Male-Dominated Anti-Democratic Party Agenda Behind AOC

By Skye Williams (Originally Posted August 2018, Updated February 2019)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ran as a 28 year old bartender with zero experience in public service. Her sole political experience was being an “organizer” for the Bernie Sanders campaign. Two divisive groups, Justice Democrats (JD) and Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), are responsible for her recruitment and her campaign and both continue to drive all her positions and ideology. It is simply irresponsible to form an opinion on AOC without looking at the people and organizations behind her and understanding their agenda.

Let’s start with Justice Democrats (JD), who recruited AOC. Justice Democrats are one of the most vile anti-Democrat PACs around. The JD’s have done Putin’s bidding from day one. Their sole purpose (like TYT, DSA and Our Revolution) appears to be attacking Democrats and promoting insurgents to hijack our party from within.

Justice Democrats was co-founded by Putin puppet Cenk Uygur, who also founded the divisive media platform The Young Turks aka TYT. Uygur’s main financial backers were conservative right-wingers, including former Republican governor and congressman Buddy Roemer, who invested millions in TYT. I’m not going to get too far into TYT here but if you are sharing videos and media content from TYT, Rebel HQ and their social pages, you are supporting a right-wing-backed group whose agenda is to divide Democrats with propaganda.

Other Justice Democrats founders include Kyle Kulinski (a left libertarian who proudly voted for Jill Stein and makes racist and misogynist comments on Twitter) and Saikat Chakrabarti, who “developed technology” (aka spreading anti-HRC propaganda) as an advisor for the Bernie Sanders campaign. David Koller served as Justice Democrats’ treasurer and co-founded The Young Turks with Uygur. These guys were the foundation of the Justice Democrats.

Uygur, Kulinski and Koller all resigned from Justice Democrats in December 2017 over “language deemed sexist or degrading to women” after a number of disgusting and misogynistic posts and articles were made public. As of February 2018, the executive board of Justice Democrats consisted of Chairman Saikat Chakrabarti and Co-Chairperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Justice Democrats recruited and promoted 12 candidates for 2018 races against incumbent Democrats. JD provided media, field reps and fundraising help. 11 of those candidates lost. Ocasio-Cortez won by a fluke, after a dismal voter turnout of less than 12% of registered Democrats in her district. After she won, JD co-founder Chakrabarti went to Washington as AOC’s Chief of Staff.

Since winning her small district race, Ocasio has gone on a national press tour slamming Democrats. After briefly trying to distance herself from Justice Democrats, Ocasio appeared in a new recruiting video for Justice Democrats on Jan 16, 2019, as they prepare their new campaigns against so-called “establishment” and “corporate” Democrats, many of whom have pushed for progressive policies.

Since taking office, AOC’s Justice Democrats rhetoric has only increased and she has voted against the party on several key issues including the new Democratic Party rules package. The new rules include defending Obamacare in court, creating a committee on climate change, promoting diversity and fighting Trump’s massive budget deficit. Only three Democrats voted against it, including AOC, Ro Khanna (another Justice Democrat and self-described “Berniecrat” who reps Silicon Valley) and Tulsi Gabbard (a cult-raised homophobic DINO supported by the alt-left).

On Jan 23, EVERY Democrat in the House voted for a bill to reopen the Government. Except one. AOC was the only “nay” vote.

Official Justice Democrats now serving in our Congress include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Ayanna Pressley (MA), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ilhan Omar (MN), Ro Khanna (CA), Pramila Jayapal (WA) and Raúl Grijalva (AZ). Justice Democrats are also affiliated with Brand New Congress (a group that organized protests against the DNC at our 2016 convention) and National Nurses United, the superPAC who followed the Bernie Sanders campaign in their own tour buses.

Now let’s take a look at DSA. There are many Democrats (myself included) who advocate for some programs that could be defined as European-style Democratic Socialism. Unfortunately that is NOT what the DSA organization is doing. They are far more extreme.

Instead of attacking the real enemy (right wing fascists occupying our government) the DSA focuses their efforts on attacking and condemning Democrats and the Democratic Party. DSA is a divisive anti-capitalism alt-left group aggressively attempting to unseat real Democrats and infiltrate our party with fauxgressive insurgents. AOC’s propaganda-filled campaign videos, ads and TV spots were all produced and paid for by the DSA. Current DSA members serving in Congress include AOC and Rashida Tlaib. They are also affiliated with Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley.

The DSA was formed in 1982, when the Socialist Party and the DSOC merged the New American Movement (NAM) with former members of socialist and communist parties of the Old Left.

In 2000, DSA backed Ralph Nader. In 2016, DSA endorsed Bernie Sanders. After the 2016 primary, DSA would not and did not endorse Hillary Clinton. DSA leaders include Cornel West and many other prominent anti-Democrats who helped put Trump in office in 2016.

DSA is now the largest socialist organization in the United States. The median age of its membership is 32. Since 1982, DSA were members of Socialist International (SI), a worldwide association of political parties which seek to establish democratic socialism. To give you an idea of how extreme DSA has become, the DSA voted to leave the SI in 2017 over what the DSA perceived as “neoliberal” economic policies.

In the words of a DSA member and editor of the socialist magazine Jacobin, the object “in the long run is to end capitalism.” The DSA website states that “Capitalism pits us against each other” and that “Bernie Sanders launched a political revolution and we continue to build it.” Their website also makes looney claims like “the globalization of capital” is responsible for “racism, sexism and homophobia.” Wow. Clearly the agenda of the DSA group is much more extremist (and socialist) than what is known as “Democratic Socialism.”

We must also keep in mind that the very word “socialism” is toxic in American politics. Despite semantics or whether or not it is misunderstood, a Gallup poll shows that all Americans (D, R or I) rank socialism dead last in Presidential candidate characteristics. The poll showed all Americans were more likely to vote for a gay or even a Muslim candidate (!) before voting for a socialist. That is data that Democrats should definitely pay attention to.

AOC now has the audacity to claim that Democrats have done nothing on climate change (a lie) and is now taking credit for a “Green New Deal” first launched by Democrats in 2009.

Perhaps AOC and her fans need a little history lesson. The term “Green New Deal” was coined in 2007 by author Thomas Friedman, a self-described centrist and “free-market guy.” Barack Obama added a Green New Deal to his platform. In 2009, the United Nations drafted a report calling for a Global Green New Deal to focus government stimulus on renewable energy projects. The Democrats’ landmark cap-and-trade bill known as the American Clean Energy and Security Act, passed in the House but was killed by Senate Republicans in 2010. Likewise, Obama’s game-changing infrastructure bill Known as the American Jobs Act, was also killed by Republicans in 2011.

Another version of the Green New Deal was the centerpiece of Jill Stein’s 2016 campaign. It is not known whether she spoke to Putin about it over dinner.

While AOC was still in high school, Nancy Pelosi and Ed Markey launched the United States House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming in 2007. It was killed in 2011 after the Rethugs gained control of the House. Pelosi announced in 2018 that if Dems retook the House, she would revive the committee, which she did as soon as Dems retook the House in January 2019. It’s now called United States House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis.

Despite these facts, AOC led a shameful protest for Justice Democrats and the Sunrise Movement outside Nancy Pelosi’s office just days after the midterm election. They chanted “Step up or step down!” as Ocasio shouted about “busting down the doors” while the news cameras rolled.

They were supposedly protesting for environmental issues. If that were really the case, they would be protesting against the Republican fascists.

In fact, Pelosi announced her intention to restart the special committee on climate change weeks BEFORE the protest. Of course, Pelosi’s announcement was ignored by most of the media.

But this protest wasn’t about the environment, it was about optics and propaganda. They chose to protest against Democrats at Pelosi’s office because they knew the media would take the bait, hook, line and sinker. The big media story became about a “divided” party, not the environment. THIS was and is the goal of DSA, TYT and Justice Democrats.

Either way, AOC is a Justice Democrats / DSA mouthpiece who shouldn’t be getting credit for anything. She has no right slamming Democrats over environmental issues and “her” problem-plagued version of a Green New Deal was written in two days by Saikat Chakrabarti.

AOC and her male anti-Democrat mentors at DSA and Justice Democrats have a clear agenda to attack and divide Democrats. At best, AOC is an inexperienced green-tea-party mouthpiece for the alt-left. Or even worse, she is a knowing and willing insurgent on an ideological mission to divide or destroy the party. Either way, she is dangerous and she is aiding and abetting our real enemy (Right Wing Fascists) by attacking the very party she claims to represent in Congress.

2 Replies to “Leftovers in a doggy bag”

  1. Great article. So AOC is even further left than I thought. Why then is news media (and even wikipedia) falling all over themselves trying to make her out to be a Social Democrat? I assume Pelosi is aware of her involvement with those extreme socialist groups.

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