Pineapple upside-down cake

Oh hell no!

Tulsi Gabbard just announced her presidential bid, but she’s completely unacceptable because of her track record of bigotry. It’s 2019: bigotry is the near-exclusive domain of the Republicans.

So, what did this DINO do?

In 2003, she voted against a bill to oblige hospitals to “provide emergency contraception immediately” to survivors of sexual assault, because it did not contain a “conscience clause,” to allow providers with a religious objection to opt out. She supported government surveillance efforts, warning that the “demand for unfettered civil liberties” could make the nation vulnerable to terrorists. And she joined her father’s battle against what she called “homosexual extremists.” In 1998, Mike Gabbard had successfully pushed for an amendment to the Hawaii State Constitution, to permit the legislature to ban same-sex marriage, which it did. Six years later, Tulsi Gabbard led a protest against a bill that would have legalized civil unions for same-sex couples. That same year, in the Hawaii State House, she delivered a long, fierce speech against a proposed resolution meant to target anti-gay bullying in public schools. She objected to the idea of students being taught that homosexuality is “normal and natural,” and worried that passing the resolution would have the effect of “inviting homosexual-advocacy organizations into our schools to promote their agenda to our vulnerable youth.”

The New Yorker, 2017-11-06

Really, there’s not a lot for me to say here. There is no walking back from this, no evolving, no excuses.

Sure, all things being equal, I’d prefer a woman, but not this one. We can do better. I’m keeping an eye on Klobuchar because she has mid-west appeal without being on the wrong side of the culture war.

9 Replies to “Pineapple upside-down cake”

  1. Yes, she loves Assad, and even more chillingly, she loves Modi. She really loves Modi, and she hates Pakistan. She’s more loyal to India than to democratic principles. And Bannon loves her, which is a terrible endorsement.

    To quote someone else, she’s a proto-fascist.

    1. Tulsi followed her dad, Mike, into politics. His claim to fame was his homophobia, and she likewise followed him in this.

      What’s interesting is that he was a Republican until he strategically shifted parties. The DINO doesn’t fall far from the DINO tree.

  2. This is what she has to say about the single most important problem our country must confront:

    “There are a lot of challenges that are facing the American people I want to help solve… there is one main issue that is central to the rest, and that is the issue of war and peace.”

    And here was silly me thinking it was income inequality, gun violence, racism, health care, climate change and getting the 1% to pay their fair share of taxes so we could provide a living wage for the masses working for an income that falls under the federal poverty level.

    1. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like nails. She’s military, so she can only see things in military terms. That’s part of what makes her a proto-fascist.

  3. Just a little extra:

    Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, is reportedly a big fan of Gabbard because of her right-leaning stances on guns, refugees and Islamic extremism.

    Gabbard did not join the majority of her Democratic colleagues in co-sponsoring gun control legislation this summer.

    She also voted in favor of a Republican-sponsored bill that requires refugees from Iraq and Syria receive background checks from the FBI.

    And the congresswoman condemned Obama earlier this year for not referring to recent terror attacks as “Islamic extremism.”

    Gabbard stepped down from her post as a vice chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee to support Sanders in his presidential bid.

  4. Well, that says it all doesn’t it. She’s no Democrat. Talk about Republican plants!

    Now we need to take a closer look at Elizabeth Warren’s voting record. The popularity Warren gained over Mitch’s “nevertheless she persisted” remark should not be enough for America to buy into her. I want to see her position on everything she voted for and against since left the GOP and signed on as a Democrat–what…. only a decade ago? We already have a couple of DINO’s in the House & Senate who, judging by their voting records, appear to work for either Putin or the GOP. We need to get rid of them asap, so we should not even consider adding a new one.

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