[In a cave on Titan, a younger Thanos speaks with a younger Mentor.
Mentor looks much the same as we know him now, only his hair is still brown, albeit with dignified streaks of gray, and he wears a goatee with sideburns.
Thanos looks to be in his late teens, deep-voiced and generically athletic but as yet lacking the muscular bulk. His skin is somewhat less purple than we’re used to. He wears a full, carefully trimmed beard that conceals his odd chin grooves, and what appears to be a full head of dark hair styled very much like Mentor’s.
We come upon them in the middle of a convenient expository lump.]
Thanos: So, I do understand that I am both Eternal and Deviant. But what is the difference?
Mentor: My son, there really isn’t all that much, when you come to think of it. Both races were created by the all-powerful Celestials’ experimentation on humans and gifted with a touch of the power cosmic. They are two equal halves of the whole, embodying the balance between preservation and progress, constancy and evolution…
Thanos: Go on.
Mentor: Well, the key is that we… that Eternals are, well, eternal: unchanging, undying. Deviants are the very essence of change, each one unique in shape and power. Most are weaker than Eternals, but some are stronger still. And…
Thanos: And?
Mentor: They age. And die. After a while. Most of them, anyhow.
Thanos: Eternals age.
Mentor: Eternals mature over the centuries but never truly grow old, just more dignified.
Thanos: I see. Is that all? Are there any other differences?
Mentor: Well, there’s appearance. Eternals look human but have been mistaken for gods, even worshipped. Deviants usually can’t pass for human. Some can, others are too… monstrous.
Thanos: But what am I?
Mentor: You’re my son. You will always be my son.
Thanos: Ultimately, am I Eternal or Deviant? Am I a god or a monster? Am I immortal or tainted with death?
Mentor: Now, now, I wouldn’t call it a taint. It’s perfectly natural for most races—
Thanos: Am. I. Eternal?
Mentor: Well, you’re not a monster of course, but it’s complicated. You are the only one of your kind, so we don’t know yet. We’ll see. It doesn’t matter, anyhow. We still love you even if you’re mortal.
Thanos: Love does not stop Death. Nothing does.
Mentor: Uhm, I guess you could see it that way. But no matter what, you’re still family.
Thanos: Family? And what of my brother?
Mentor: Eros? He is Eternal.
Thanos: Like you.
Mentor: Like me, but we love you both equally. I love you.
Thanos: Of course. I must go now. I have much to think about.
Mentor: I love you, son.
Thanos: Father.